Sunday, 14 April 2013

Licks - Sauce Boss

Licks Homeburger and Ice cream
Sauce, sauce and more sauce! This fast food joint has mastered the ultimate burger compliment with their “Guk” sauce.  Guk is like a hybrid of mayo, relish, garlic and a little “something-something” thrown in there, making it a one of a kind burger meat treat.  I got a homeburger (ground beef) and loaded on the “Guk”. Being a fast food joint beer was not on the menu, however if you feel like living dangerously their chocolate shakes are thick and delicious upgrade from simple pop.  Also since beer wasn't on the menu, I choose to get my calories elsewhere and opted for a side of Taters n’ cream, which topped my fries with sour cream, bacon, cheddar cheese and onions.  Truthfully my upgraded side wasn't worth the extra few dollars, the fries were a little KFC-like, and left me feeling underwhelmed.  Overall the sauce is the highlight of my visit, a slightly stale burger bun, stingy fries, no beer and the fact that they sing your order in some sort of kindergarten dialect around the restaurant made me feel more like I was in a carnival then a burger joint.  On the positive side this so called “Guk” sauce can be purchased in the restaurant or even in the grocery store! I will likely be purchasing a lifetime supply of Guk and replacing my Franks red hot by putting that s#!t on everything!
A moderately priced, moderately annoying, and moderate meat and bun leaves me giving licks a score of 3 fries.   

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